The Not So Secret Emails of Coco Pinchard 3 – The End (Pages 238 – end)



I have just finished the book, and I have really enjoyed. The last part of the book is about Coco’s experience in the Fringe Festival with her play. Things are not going well for her. She and Adam have had a terrible row when she left her phone in his house and he read all her emails. That is how he learnt that she had lied, and Coco had slept with a young man in Slovakia, and Daniel had spent a night in the house. They fight, and things don’t get better when they see each other.

In Edinburgh things are not good either. The play is a flop, and only a few tickets are sold for the performances. Then they have a stroke of good luck as Kate Moss, who is a guest in Coco’s adversary, uses a poster of the play to fix a wobbly table in a café, and a photograph captures her image with the poster. The play becomes a success overnight with people wanting to see it. All the tickets get sold out, and in the end they even get three awards, which leave Chris and Coco delighted.

For the last show all their friends and relatives come to see the play: Marika, Meryl, Tony, Ethel, and Chris’s parents. Daniel also appears, hoping to get back with Coco, but she is categorical. She doesn’t want him as she can’t forget his betrayal and the divorce. Coco gets so angry that she pours the contents of her drink on him and flees to the bathroom. Marika goes to find her and tells her that Adam has been to see the show, but now she doesn’t know where he might have gone. The two women go out to find Daniel fighting an art critic, who had slagged his job years ago. Daniel is at a losing end, but then Adam appears and saves the day.

Adam talks to Coco and tells her that he is very proud of her. Misunderstandings are sorted out. Apparently, when Coco was in the allotment last, she was with Clive, the old man who played the piano in the play, and Adam thought that she was dating him. That is the reason why he started going out with a woman who Coco saw him with at the allotment when she dropped by during a break from the play. Now everything is sorted out, and Coco and Adam end up together. So lovely. And apart from this, there is good news as well: Meryl, her sister-in-law, has got pregnant after trying for a baby for too long.

I really enjoyed the novel. I will definitely read the rest of Coco’s adventures.

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