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Bridge Of Scarlet Leaves (2012)

by Kristina McMorris(Favorite Author)
3.93 of 5 Votes: 5
0758246854 (ISBN13: 9780758246851)
Kensington Publishing
review 1: I absolutely loved all the characters in this story. This book had so many wonderful elements to it - family, love, loss, war, the search for one's identity... This is the first story I've read about Japanese/American relations in the U.S. during the time of Pearl Harbor and it forced me to think about something I never had before as well as enlightening me. My favorite thing about this book were definitely the portrayal of the characters - all so very believable. I look forward to reading more by this author.
review 2: despite it taking a while due to unsociable work hours i thoroughly enjoyed this book. the story line was great and grabed your atttention and i really felt involved with the characters. this was the first story i have read ralated to real l
... moreife historic events such as pearl harbour and has definately opened me up to others. with sadness happyness and joy i would deeply recomend this to anyone and look forward to reading another great book my Kristina McMorris!!! 5STARS---- JUST BRILLIANT less
Reviews (see all)
I don't think any review I write could possibly do this book justice. I absolutely loved it.
A great read. The ending made me smile, even though a few tears were shed along the way.
Beautiful. Amazing. Real. Touching, moving, heart-wrenching. Honest. Beautiful.
Awesome book, but so sad! I haven't cried so much since Bean left Petra :/
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