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Third Date (2014)

by Kylie Keene(Favorite Author)
3.61 of 5 Votes: 1
Waltham Publishing, LLC
review 1: This was really, really good! I loved how sweet this was. Morgan is a 23 year old virgin. The book gets into why and it's very believable. But anyways, she's ready to date and become social. Problem is her friends tell her that guys expect sex on the third date, so along with her anxiety about meeting men is her fear about having to do something she's never done and isn't comfortable doing with just anyone. She meets Grant through work and things start looking up, but a conference in Boston brings an unexpected surprise. Brad Fletcher, the popular and all around superstar from her high school days is there and interested in catching up. This may sound like a love triangle, but I didn't really feel that vibe. Morgan always had feelings all along for one particular guy but h... moreer fears held her back. This was very cute at times but serious too. Morgan took time realizing things about herself and wading through the world of dating. The story treaded perfectly between what Morgan really wanted and the obstacles it took to get her there. She was very hesitant about Brad, and understandably, but it was obvious he felt deeply for her and was a different guy than he was in high school. I loved him! He was patient and kind, sexy and smart, never pushy but always waiting for Morgan to finally admit what he's known all along---they were special together. Morgan being the socially inept girl growing up, was believable as the cautious and hesitant woman. It was obvious she didn't know what guys expected and I liked seeing that consistency in her character. This was a short and to-the-point book. There was zero filler and I loved that. A woman ready for love meets the man eager to give to her, although Morgan didn't make it easy, but all worth it in the end. I love finding low angsty books that just make you feel good, and this fit the bill, loved it.
review 2: 3.5 What a sweet little story! I've been on a sweet romantic reading marathon this weekend, and this one was a good way to wrap it up. How refreshing to see young woman like Morgan taking their time when it comes to matters of the heart and intimacy. Even though the writing was on the wall, it is often human nature to try to second guess and manipulate things the way logic tells us to. But the interesting and magical thing about the heart, is that it wants what it wants! Morgan was eventually able to see that, and was happy that she listened and followed her heart! less
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3.5 stars cute and sweet. Missed brad's pov though.
Good story line, like the characters
It was sweet and fun
It was a fun read.
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