Writers’ Conference Wonderfulness, #WIFYR

This week I’m attending the Writing and Illustrating for Young Readers (WIFYR) 2017 Conference.  It’s organized and run by Carol Lynch Williams, with a ton of awesome-sauce helpers supporting her. This is one of the best writers’ conferences for honing your craft that I’ve ever gone to, and aside from a couple of years when I foolishly talked myself out of going, I just reserve the week (and the money). I know, I say that every year. So?

That’s where I’ve gone this week, and why I’m not posting my usual stuff. It’s been so good to surround myself with other writers who understand both my angst and my passion. They totally get my desire to scream, “Leave me alone, I’m writing! Don’t talk to me. Don’t touch me. Pretend I’m invisible. Go. Away.”

This year I signed up for all the one-day morning workshops. So far I’ve had a workshop on plotting with Brody Ashton, and a workshop on children’s nonfiction with Sharlee Glenn. It’s so helpful to see how other people manage their writing messes and work through their muddled middles. Tomorrow there is no morning workshop, so I’ll use the time to outline and revise. Thursday, Ann Dee Ellis will spend the morning teaching about the power of vulnerability, and Friday I’ll be learning about world-building with J. Scott Savage. Who, I must confess to being a little bit in love with. (No worries, Mr. Hot Stuff