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What She Needs (2009)

by Lacey Alexander(Favorite Author)
3.89 of 5 Votes: 4
0451228014 (ISBN13: 9780451228017)
NAL Trade
review 1: This was a DNF for me. I've read most of Lacey's books, and have really enjoyed them all. Unfortunately, with this one, I just couldn't get into the characters. I found the heroine a bit whiny, and Brent constantly telling her what she needed off-putting. Hence, the sex scenes became icky. I read ahead to several parts to see if it would get better for me, and it wasn't the sex that turned me off, but Brent's attitude. So when I read the scene revealing his motivations, I didn't care, and I just couldn't connect with either character. That's what I've always loved about Lacey's books. Characters I love and root for. This book was missing that for me.
review 2: When I originally started this book I was way turned off. I gave it another go it did get a bit bett
... moreer as I went along but not much. It fell short in making me care about the hero. I just didn't like him and I actually felt he was a bit of a sleaze so in turn reading about sex with him was icky! (and it had nothing to do with the m/m scene. I was already turned off.) The plot suffered severely do to lack of character development as well as pacing. By the time I learned of Brent's "issues" it was to late I just couldn't like him. In the three other Alexander erotica books I have read they all had very strong h/h that made me want to know them and hope for an HEA. I actually didn't want an HEA for this heroine. I wanted her to jump on a plane and get off that damn island!If you are in the mood for a purely sexual romp then this book may be for you. less
Reviews (see all)
Holy hotness! Role playing, kink, and more sex!!! ;)
Definitely not my favorite Lacey Alexander book.
Not great, but not horrible.
Fiction; Erotica4 stars
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