Book review: Give Me Back My Book!, by Travis Foster and Ethan Long

Foster, Travis and Ethan Long. Give Me Back My Book! Chronicle Books, 2017. $16.99. ISBN 9781452160405. 56 pages. Ages 4-8. P7 Q7

Give Me Back My Book follows Redd (a red creature) and Bloo (a blue creature) as they dialogue over whose book it is. As they are fighting over the book, a worm takes the book. While they devise a way to get the book back, they create a book together and develop a friendship. The illustrations are colorful and simple. The facial expressions show what the creatures are feeling.

Verdict: I highly recommend this book for public, school and personal libraries. Give Me Back My Book describes the parts of a book in an interesting way and would be great for a unit on creating a book. Children will be drawn in by the dialogue and team work between the creatures.

September 2017 review by Tami Harris.

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