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Tempted By Midnight: A Midnight Breed Novella (2000)

by Lara Adrian(Favorite Author)
4.11 of 5 Votes: 1
review 1: Gosto muito, muito da série Midnight Breed, desde que li o primeiro livro á uns anos atrás. Admiro a escrita cativante e a forma como Lara Adrian desenvolve os seus enredos. Mas estas últimas novellas são quase um disparate! À semelhança da novella anterior, Marked by Midnight, aqui a protagonista feminina cai na cama com o protagonista masculino poucas horas depois de se conhecerem, sendo que nessas poucas horas os momentos entre ambos foram curtos e ele até nem foi nada simpático para com ela.Lazaro era um personagem por quem sentia fascínio; já foi uma desilusão saber que a sua história seria desenvolvida numa novella em vez de um livro completo; sendo ainda por cima uma históra tão fraca foi a maior desilusão que esta série já me deu... A nota positiv... morea com 3*, deve-se apenas ao relativo interesse pelo enredo por trás do romance, sobre o ataque no início da novella.
review 2: Twenty years ago Lazaro lost everyone he loved except his grandson Kellan. Empty Lazaro lives to serve the Breed and to protect his and human kind. Agreeing to translate and hopefully help humans and The Breed to work together Lazaro attends a gathering that should have only been attended by seven people. But at the last minute Melena steps out and rocks Lazaro's carefully constructed world.Melena has been going everywhere her father has, with his premonition that he will be double crossed and that is life is in danger he has Melena accompany him everywhere he goes so that she can use her gift to see what others real intentions are. When Melena see's Lazaro she can't deny the attraction or the anger she see's when he looks at her.What started out as a hopeful meeting soon turns to something no one expected or wanted and Lazaro is left with the job of protecting Melena. But Lazaro puts as much distance between them as possible wanting to get rid of her as fast as possible so that his wants can be denied. But nothing goes as planned and when Lazaro thinks he can finally get on with his life everyones intentions are once again thrown out the window.I loved Lazaro when I first read about him and I was so glad that he would get a book and then I was thrilled that it was twenty years after his families deaths. There is nothing I hate more(well maybe there is), but I hate reading about a hero or heroine (though most cases it happens with a hero), where the hero and heroine meet but the hero is still in love or stuck in the past and can't get over his deceased wife. Yes this happens and I can't imagine going though that pain but this is romance and I want just that romance and I want it over the top. So seeing that twenty years had passed I was sure this wouldn't be that.Unfortunately it was just that, do I believe Lazaro loved Melena, yes I do but do I believe he would have picked her over his dead wife no I don't. Even worse I don't think he was over her. Lazaro is a great character but I didn't believe their love and I think this book was too short to convince me Melena was it for Lazaro. The story was nice but it was rushed and I felt like for most of the story Melena was the one who worked at their relationship, and had she given up they would have went their separate ways.I love this series and though this wasn't my favorite it was still a nicely written book about the Breed and we get an update(though too small in my mind) of Jenna and what has happened with her. We get a whole new host of potential characters some I am really excited about. Overall yes I had high expectations because this is Lara Adian and though this book wasn't horrible(far from it) it wasn't what I was hoping of either. less
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Not my favorite in the series, but a good read nonetheless.
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Lazaro Archer
Loved it!!!
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