***** I’m scheduling “5 Photos” spots for early 2018. If you or your writer friends are interested in sharing some writer’s life photos, check out my new “Be My Guest” page and let me know!
Today’s guest is D.V. Stone, who is from New Jersey. Are you picturing the dense suburbs of New York or Philly? Or maybe the Jersey Shore? Her “where you’re from” photo shows us a gorgeous fall view of a different part of the state.
Welcome, Donna!
Something that represents something unique about youI’m a Grandma with a Camaro! My husband surprised me at work with it. I named her Snowball.
When people think of New Jersey they usually have no concept of where I live. My house backs up to the Appalachian Trail and the front is a beautiful lake.
This is Baby. She’s wondering why he doesn’t love her back…
Lack of time. As an author, wife and full-time employee my time usually runs out before I’m finished with whatever step I’m at. I’m thankful that I have an understanding husband who really stepped up in helping around the house and is supportive when I disappear for hours at a time.
I have a knack for catching double rainbows. Being outside in the summer is the best especially when you find such a spectacular sight as a rainbow but then it gets even better when you get two.
What’s the elevator pitch for your latest published novel?
One foolish thought. One brutal act. Instead of a peaceful alliance––war
King Sahnan of Argatha, leader of a human realm, reaches out to Dar, King of the Darrian shifter nation. No longer able to remain disengaged from the world around them. It is time for an alliance between the two Houses. An old enemy has reemerged and seeks to take advantage of a divided Argatha. An argument on the road and an ensuing attack sink both Kingdoms into a desperate state. Felice is nearly killed, and in a bid to save her life, Abelard tells her he is Ayer, a simple soldier of King Sahnan. If she knows he is her sister’s intended, Felice will die before giving him her Shield. In a moment of desperation they are bound, but what will it take to remain Shield-Mates?
What are you working on next?
Several things. Rock House Grill is a contemporary romance utilizing my experience as a former Emergency Medical Technician and owner of a restaurant. This manuscript is being considered by a publishing house and the editor and I are going back and forth with revisions. In between, I’m working on the book that started it all for me. Kingdom at a Crossroad. It’s a High Fantasy Epic in the LOTR style. I also have the second Shield-Mate book Kisa, Shield-Mates of Dar. I have Author ADD.
What are you currently reading?
I just finished Diana Duvall’s Blade of Darkness and started Roxanne St. Claire’s Secret on the Sand. I’m waiting anxiously for C.L. Wilson’s The Sea King.
Jill: C.L. Wilson guest blogged here when she was promoting The Winter King. Check out her post “Ten Things I’ve Learned Since I Started Writing”.
What are you currently watching (TV shows)?
Anything about RV’s. Retirement is in the next couple of years and my husband and I plan to travel this great country of ours. Coast to coast and border to border. I hope to find a lot of inspiration along the way.
Favorite fantasy creature, villain, or weapon not from your own work?
Maleficent. I love the fact that besides wanting to be big, bad and vengeful, she is filled with love and compassion.
Biggest challenge facing writers today?
As a self-published author I find myself lost in the pile. Marketing is a mystery and there is no magic formula that works. Getting noticed on social media that translates into book reviews and sales. I can get lost for hours trying to figure it out when what I want to do is create.
Thank you, Donna, for sharing your pictures and thoughts!
Donna can be found online here: Website | Twitter | Amazon
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