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Hearts In Darkness (2013)

by Laura Kaye(Favorite Author)
3.86 of 5 Votes: 5
0989465004 (ISBN13: 9780989465007)
Laura Kaye
review 1: So, to be honest, I can't even think about writing this review without giggling to myself. I just... can't....even... *taking deep breaths* Ok. I think I can proceed. I found the story to be silly. At least the blind insta-love part. It's a silly story that wants to be taken seriously. And, well... that's funny to me.This is a very quick read that went from plausible to skeptical to absurd for me. I read A LOT of fantasy books and I know what unrealistic feels like. So, I have to start by saying that I just don't know that you can justify messing around with a stranger, where you don't know what they look like, in a pitch black elevator, after talking to them for just a few hours. Perhaps it's my social anxiety, or amount of self control I possess, but I just c... morean't even imagine going there. Maybe if someone is feeling adventurous, I could buy into that but the emotional depth that the characters feel for one another just isn't plausible to me. Especially when all the other factors are taken into consideration. Completely blind insta-love in a broken elevator. Um.... yeah....If gasping and moaning were an Olympic sport, the two characters in this book would probably take the gold. The author should've tried to use a thesaurus to mix it up a little bit. I lost count somewhere around the 32 mark. I'm actually rather impressed they never hyperventilated. The gasping, moaning, and shortness of breath surely must've deprived them of A LOT of oxygen.The actual down and dirty scenes were quite enjoyable. I have to say. I found the writing style strong over all, I just couldn't get past the over use of gasping & moaning, and I couldn't find the emotional undercurrent plausible. That makes me wonder if I just really haven't lived yet. Food for thought.
review 2: a solid 4 stars!I thoroughly enjoyed this book - really wished we had a little bit more - perhaps an epilogueWhat i really enjoyed was, (and i usually suffer this with a novella) at no point, did I roll my eyes at the cheese!THERE WAS NO CHEESE!!!It was hot and sexy and sweet and cute and definitely no cheese!!Go on - you can safely take this one on as a quick, definitely satisfying, readI LOVED IT! less
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