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The Misfortune Cookie (2013)

by Laura Resnick(Favorite Author)
3.69 of 5 Votes: 5
0756408474 (ISBN13: 9780756408473)
Esther Diamond
review 1: In this, the sixth book in the series, we pick up a week after the events in "Polterheist". Esther is working at Stella's waiting for her next acting gig and she is obsessing about Lopez's failure to call her after that night in the sack. In fact the first fourth of the book is pretty much consumed by this.We then get the mysterious death that eventually leads to Evil with Max and Esther along with a few others figuring out what is going on. The problem I have with this book is not that it is uninteresting or dull - it is witty and humorous and fun to read but it lacks the strong undercurrent of imminent danger and suspense that the rest of the books in the series have.If you are more interested in the relationship between Esther and Lopez you will love this book and look ... moreforward to future books taking this direction. If you prefer the suspense of danger and intrigue and want the Esther/Lopez thing to be secondary then you will hope Resnick returns to the form of the previous novels. This balance will, in my opinion, keep the most number of readers satisfied. I for one hope that very soon we will find out more about Lopez's power in the next few books.
review 2: As much as I love this series, I have to admit, it is getting a bit tiresome. This whole book seemed like just an excuse to create drama between Esther and Lopez while making the main plot look like a side note to the drama. All of this drama feels like it is a vehicle being used for nothing more then to introduce a new potential relationship for Esther (or as I like to call it, more drama and angst) as well as the fact that someone Lopez works with is more then he seems and is most likely something evil. To be perfectly honest, this is by far the weakest book in the series plot wise and has the most unnessary drama of all the books. Yes, Esther is still wishy washy about Lopez (in fact she thinks more with her loins then any man I know)and Lopez is still an oblivious idiot who obviously doesn't trust Ester enough to open his eyes to the crap that has been going on around him.If, in the next book 2 of these things I am about to list are not resolved, I will not be buying anymore of this series because it is quickly becoming a waste of my time... 1.Lopez's blatant disreguard of the reality in which he lives, for example his blatant disreguard of magic. 2.Lopez's lack of trust in Esther and his constant accusing her of being crazy 3.This one kinda ties into the last one, The relationship between Lopez and Esther needs to be resolved one way or the other, either they get together (which is hard to see considering the lack of trust) or they break it apart for good. 4.This one also kinda ties in with the last one, Esther's wishy washiness towards Lopez, it has just gotten to the point of irrationality.I hate to give this book this kind of rating but the truth is I feel I should have given it less. The only reason I gave it what I did is because, as a whole, I really love this series. I do recomend the series to fans of Urban Fantasy but I do not recommend this book. less
Reviews (see all)
I continue to enjoy Esther's adventures and appreciate the killer cookie angle.
A romance that will never take place. What a shame!
Expected publication: November 5th 2013 by DAW
Funny and satisfying.
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