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Rachel Carson And Her Book That Changed The World (2012)

by Laurie Lawlor(Favorite Author)
4.02 of 5 Votes: 4
0823423700 (ISBN13: 9780823423705)
Holiday House
review 1: Beautiful, beautiful artwork (with such pretty period clothing!) accompanies a biography of naturalist Rachel Carson. Since the text covers her from birth to death, it moves very quickly over the different aspects of her life, but I thought it was a nice read. It also features an end note and source notes--A+ on showing your work, Laurie Lawlor! An absolute must for anyone who wants to provide children with the story of a woman of substantial character.
review 2: Rachel Carson and Her Book that Changed the World by Laurie Lawlor, illustrated by Laura Beingessner - How inspiring is Rachel Carson! I just loved reading more about this woman since in my old school district there is a school specifically designed and named after her passion. This is a well done,
... moreinformative book telling how people handled and respected/didn't respect her research and focus on having a healthy environment and protecting the earth from poisonous toxins... less
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Read to child at bedtime; has sweet illustrations which my child loved.
A wonderful picture book biography about Rachel Carson.
Very nice picture book biography of Rachel Carson.
A good introduction to Rachel Carson
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