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Havana Fever (2003)

by Leonardo Padura Fuentes(Favorite Author)
3.99 of 5 Votes: 4
1904738362 (ISBN13: 9781904738367)
Bitter Lemon Press
Mario Conde
review 1: Sympathische Figuren führen durch ein Kuba, dass unter den Auswirkungen der jahrzehntelangen Mangelwirtschaft der nachrevolutionären Politik darbt. Und doch sind es auch sehr glückliche Momente, die nicht viel mehr als gute Freunde brauchen, die mir besonders gut gefallen haben. Der Blick in die glänzende Vergangenheit Havannas und noch weiter zurückreichende Zeiten der Plantagenbesitzer hat unseren Urlaub in diesem faszinierenden Land hervorragend ergänzt.
review 2: Mario Conde is back - thankfully! In his latest adventure, the retired Ex-Cop, now working as a bookseller, takes notice of a former singer who was on her zenith of fame during the Fifties. Conde gets interested in the story of this woman - which leads to serious consequences. Again, readers
... more will finde the usual ingredients which added up to very pleasant and enternaining books so far featuring the sensitive but also stubborn hero created by Leonoardo Padura. Again, Conde is fascinated by a mysterious woman, again, he gets upset by world's unfairness and again he doesn't manage to write his own novel. And again, the book is a mirror of Cuba's past and present - both with bright and dark elements.What I like very much is the humane point of view and the compassionate language the author makes use of the build the world of Mario Conde. There's still a lot of mess in the life of the former Cop but at least he tries to give his existence some alignement. The criminal case which is developping in the second half of the book is interesting, but I read more surprising and thrilling crimes stories. Additionally, the novel has some lengths. But what makes this story so interesting is the investigation of the past, which is a deep study of the country and the hero itself. If you liked Padura's stories so far, don't hesitate to flip the cover of 'Havana Fever'. less
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