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In Deinem Licht Und Schatten (2014)

by Louisa Reid(Favorite Author)
4.03 of 5 Votes: 4
3841421520 (ISBN13: 9783841421524)
review 1: Wow. Just wow. I was not expecting something so beautiful and heartbreaking when I read the blurb! Another one of those books marketed as 'young adult' but could be enjoyed by all. I don't know how Reid manages to make such a sad sale sound so beautiful, but it's a testament to her writing ability.I really liked how the chapters alternated between the sisters so you got to see what they thought about things, and it was written so realistically that I thought I could just jump in and help them. If only!This book is gripping - once I picked up I couldn't put it down. An easy, yet powerful and thought-provoking read.
review 2: I absolutely loved this book. It was confusing a bit... I guess when you re-read things when you're older you understand books better. Like
... more when I read 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower' the second time I understood more things. Although this book was amazing maybe it might be slightly unrealistic. i mean I haven't personally experienced anything like what the two twins have but somehow I felt that the characters were slightly unreal . But apart from that it was captivating. I remember how it kept me up all night. less
Reviews (see all)
I really like the description. I'm curious as to how good this book turns out to be.
Enjoyed book however I was disappointed with the way the author ended the book.
Lu en VO, j'ai beaucoup aime.Relecture en Vf à venir.
Very nice, couldn't connect.
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