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Betrayals Of Spring (2000)

by L.P. Dover(Favorite Author)
4.22 of 5 Votes: 5
1482365774 (ISBN13: 9781482365771)
Forever Fae
review 1: The sorcerer we love to hate is back and this time for Meliantha, Calista's sister. The second installment of the Forever Fae series starts off strong and enthralling with a bushel of mixed emotions. However, a third of the way through it becomes very predictable and run-of-the-mill. The plot completely redeems itself by midpoint and has a happy ending, kind of. I'm a huge fan of this series and am addicted to these characters. L.P Dover knows how to make her characters real and relatable. The only reason I gave this book four stars instead of five, apart from the whole "predictable" thing, was that the ending felt a bit rushed and cliche. Let's see where book three takes us...
review 2: This is my favorite Forever Fae book (the last one hasn't come out yet, so
... more that might change). I love Meliantha and Kalen. I feel like their story was the best. They were kept apart for so many years by the Sorcerer, but were able to overcome it and be together. I also felt that the drama and tension between the courts and the Sorcerer really started to heat up in this book. Definitely a fan of this series and will read (and probably re-read) all the books that come out from this series. less
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I did like the book, but think I will reserve a proper review till I have read all three books.
Didn't enjoy this one as much as the first ): Still good though. Full review coming soon.
More like 3.5 stars was better than the first more action
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