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There Once Lived A Mother Who Loved Her Children, Until They Moved Back In: Three Novellas About Family (2014)

by Ludmilla Petrushevskaya(Favorite Author)
3.55 of 5 Votes: 3
0143121669 (ISBN13: 9780143121664)
Penguin Books
review 1: I've absolutely adored all of Petrushevskaya's work in the past, but I wasn't as engaged by these novellas as I've been by her stories. The characters felt too distant and vague rather than piercingly specific, perhaps sheerly due to the length of the novellas (a trite rational, yes). Nonetheless, these tellings capture the daily sufferings of Soviet life with brutal humanity, and per the author's signature style maintain a sense of delight and magic that compels you to read on even as the sense of unceasing defeat looms.
review 2: RECEIVED FROM GOODREADS GIVEAWAY!!!! i was stoked to win. I enter all the time and I think I know why I won. This book, although praised by some, made my eyes bleed. I couldn't get into it. Too many loose thoughts and people and t
... morehings didn't make sense and I couldn't follow the people and I tried really really really hard because in the rules they said that if you review it you have a good chance of winning again so i wanted to finish it so i could possibly rave about it but I ReFUSE to read a book that is painful when for quite some time now I have not been in school. sigh. it sucks. maybe i'll never win another giveaway but i have to be honest. those three reviews on GR are "and then there were three" for a reason. Sorry. less
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Just brutal.
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