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When A Heart Stops (2012)

by Lynette Eason(Favorite Author)
4.36 of 5 Votes: 4
0800720083 (ISBN13: 9780800720087)
Deadly Reunions
review 1: A medical examiner, who is the target of a serial killer, rediscovers a love interest.I lost count of the plot recapitulations. At times, it felt that at least one third of the book was spent reviewing what had happened so far. I didn't count, but it seemed that there would be more than one review within a single chapter. Added to all this filler, there were too many minor characters - the seemingly unrelated subplots cluttered the already tiresome plot execution. Even having read the first book didn't make it easier to understand the inter-character dynamics in this one. The constantly switching point of view made the action even harder to follow. Even if the execution is clumsy, the concept is intriguing. This book would be good for someone who wants crime fiction with a... more Christian foundation, but doesn't want to read through constant verse quotes or small sermons.This book contains references to swearing.
review 2: I gobbled up this book after reading the first one in the series. I just had to know how the ending went for the murder mystery of the first book. It's a nail biter and I confess I'm taking a break before I go searching for the third book in this series. I just need a good curl up with my blanket and coffee book. Not another sit at the edge of my seat nail biter again. In this book all the characters mesh together to solve the issues of book one. Plus you get insight into the relationships of the supporting cast. Terri Blackstock or Dee Henderson style book. less
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I liked it a lot. Can't wait to finish the series.
WOW this is an awesome book. Could not put down.
I love this series.
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