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Bride For Real (2011)

by Lynne Graham(Favorite Author)
3.3 of 5 Votes: 1
0373130112 (ISBN13: 9780373130115)
Volakis Vow
review 1: I hate both sander and tally. sander seeking sex as a refuge for every problem. According to me every woman loves both her husband and child equally. How could tally behave like that to sander, who is also grieving for his child and much worse than her in handling emotion. since i hate both the main character the story didn't appeal to me so much. Even after finishing the story i didn't feel like they were in love. They were together for the sizzling sex and for her father. 2 stars for tally accepting lilleHAPPY READING :)
review 2: This book is second part of the linked story duet called The Volakis Vow. Part one was the Marriage Betrayal. At the end of that book, Tally and Sanders were happily married even though Sander hadn't declared his love for Tally. At
... morethe beginning of Bride for Real, so much had changed! Sander and Tally are grieving over their stillborn child and they are in the midst of a divorce. Sander wants his wife back but their reconciliation is anything but easy.Bride for Real is intense! It's sexy and emotional. What makes this book a great read is how the characters are tested as they fight for their marriage. less
Reviews (see all)
I think graham did a great deal by writing this book, its d best emotional and romantic book I'd ever live to love !!!!
Loved it!!!! Graham dealt with a very difficult issue for most women, and did so almost perfectly.
What an awful husband, I wish this wasn't an HP novel, and the wife left his in the end!
Miniseries: The Volakis VowCategory: Classic Romance
Miniseries: The Volakis VowCategory: Classic Romance
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