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Der Colonel (2000)

by Mahmoud Dowlatabadi(Favorite Author)
3.72 of 5 Votes: 2
review 1: Het boek heeft 181 pagina,s en heb me er door heen geworsteld.Erg verwarrend omdat het beschreven is in de tegenwoordige tijd ... de verleden tijd.... en daar dan ook steeds in overspringt.Wel gebeurde en niet gebeurde dingen .... komen aan bod..De Kolonel en de kolonel (kleine letter) zijn twee verschillende personen... en daardoor ook erg verwarrendAl met al wist ik op het laatst niet meer over wie het nu ging en of het nu wel of niet gebeurde.Jammer ... want had er zo veel meer van verwacht.
review 2: This review is about the translated book and not the original. I am waiting for the original book and as soon as I read it, I will add some more comments. With all my appreciation for this wonderful translator who picked this important and difficult book to tr
... moreanslate, I wish that the author can be consulted for correcting a few minor errors in the novel as well as the notes. I also think that this translation may benefit from a different formatting, so it can be a little bit more reader friendly for its English language audience. The work will stay while the artist will go one day and I hope that the publisher and translator take this chance and make this translation perfect for serving its purpose. There are a few very good reviews posted here and the first thing that I recommend to the readers, is to read a few of these reviews before starting the book. This book is not for you, if you are looking for an easy read and if you don’t like dark and gothic literature. In the beginning of the book, I was not sure if I was able to finish it because of all the darkness, and a life of a nation pictured as a nightmare. It always rains and human beings are bad with each other and a family is torn by the politics outside the house. This nightmare is familiar to me. I have been in this nightmare and I have seen families, real families, losing a son to the war, a daughter to conviction to death sentence, and so on. This was Iran between 1980 and 1988. Words can’t describe how dark Iran became in those years and we need these nightmares be told to the world, so we don’t forget. We should not forget how bad we can be, how monstrous we can act, in circumstances described in this book. The highlight of this book was the section that Khezr Javid took refuge in Amir’s basement while a revolution was taking place outside of the house. This whole section, the brilliance of conversations and presence of the sibling, especially Amir’s brother, Mohammad-Taqi made this book a literary masterpiece.I am happy that the author has survived finishing it, because every word and every scene must have taken him back to his personal experiences. He has created this deadly ocean and drowned himself and the damaged souls of his characters into this stormy dark ocean. I was looking for a hope, for a lighthouse while reading and at the end the colonel led me to this lighthouse finally. The colonel dusted off his beloved old setar and thought, “I am sure someone will play it again one day.” He then said, “Before I die, I must turn on all the lights in the house. He wanted the house to be ablaze with light. He turned on all the lights in his children’s rooms and then surrendered to his own death. My hope is Dowlatabady and his eternal masterpiece. I wish him health and long life from the bottom of my heart and look forward to reading his future works. less
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داستان یک خانواده ارتشی پیش و پس از انقلاب است
Good - veryGreat to get novels on other countries and esp such topical as Iran.
cold, wet and merciless just like the place I know!
A very good, but disturbing book.
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