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World Without Fish (2011)

by Mark Kurlansky(Favorite Author)
3.85 of 5 Votes: 5
0761156070 (ISBN13: 9780761156079)
Workman Publishing Company
review 1: Basically the low-down on what's happening to the fish of the world and what repercussions their disappearance is having/will have on the rest of the world as we know it, written for older kids/teens. I don't like fish, but this was an interesting read. While it did seem to be repetitive at points, it wasn't super-preachy and did offer readers some good suggestions as to what they can do to help the problem.
review 2: There were many things about this book that I loved, some things that were just okay, and a few errors which undermine the believability of the book as whole. There are a ton of interesting facts, information, history and statistics. For example, "it takes four pounds of ground up wild fish to grow one pound of farmed fish" on page 89. Kurlansky
... more also worded things in ways I hadn't heard before and which made me stop and ponder, an example: "a vegetarian is a human who rejects killing living things from his own kingdom- animals - but accepts killing from the other kingdom - plants" from page XV. It was the errors that were the biggest disappointment. Kurlansky states on page 41 that photosynthesis produces carbon dioxide. It doesn't! Photosynthesis uses light and carbon dioxide to produce sugars and oxygen. This is a pretty basic principal that I can't believe no one caught before the book went to print. That said, I still liked it and think it would foster great discussions with kids. less
Reviews (see all)
So depressing, incredibly profound. I borrowed this from the library but will buy it some day.
Ideal for middle school readers.
Everyone should read this book!
appropriate for our times...
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