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The Wishing Tree (2013)

by Marybeth Whalen(Favorite Author)
3.65 of 5 Votes: 4
0310334896 (ISBN13: 9780310334897)
Sunset Beach
review 1: Ivy Marshall's life is falling apart. Her father is closing the real estate office she runs, she just found out her husband cheated on her and her sister Shea is planning her dream wedding. Ivy left behind her family 5 years earlier to marry Elliot, and is using the excuse of going home to help with her sister's wedding to escape from her husband's infidelity. Ivy is put in charge of the wishing tree, a family tradition for generations of weddings. Ivy selfishly tries to reconnect with the fiancé she jilted to marry Elliot, although part of her is looking for forgiveness. She also wants to restore the closeness with her family that has been lost in her absence. When Elliot sets up a Twitter account to apologize to Ivy, she begins to reflect on their courtship and what bro... moreught them together in the first place. Her Aunt Leah offers sage advice and a place of refuge at her bakery. As Ivy reads the wishes being sent to her sister and fiancé Owen to bless their union, she looks at herself and her own marriage. Ivy grows considerably through the story, finding herself so she can renew her relationships and find strength in God and family.
review 2: This is the story of Ivy Marshall who when she gets disappointed by her husband returns to her home. The story is set in North Carolina. Ivy must discover what she really wants in her life now. Is it her husband or is the man from her past. The title of the book actually is about something that happens at Ivy's sister wedding. Ivy must not only heal herself but heal her relationship with her family. less
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Great book about forgiveness and finding your way. I enjoyed it.
Great summer read! Finished it in two days at the beach :)
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