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Dead Men's Dust (2009)

by Matt Hilton(Favorite Author)
3.67 of 5 Votes: 4
0061717142 (ISBN13: 9780061717147)
William Morrow
Joe Hunter
review 1: Dead Men's Dust is a literary version of a Jason Statham movie. Lots of action, random violence, and characters without much depth. The bad guy in this book borders on cartoonish which deterred from the thrill seeking. Having said that, there are some good points to this debut novel by Matt Hilton. The main character, Joe Hunter, showed promise as a dogged enforcer for home grown justice. Bottom line, I'm not the target audience for this book and many people will enjoy it. I suspect Hilton's writing has improved as the series has grown. Hunter isn't Reacher but he has his own appeal.
review 2: There is an appreciation for the basic cliches of the Jack Reacher style of suspense story. Highly trained, one man vs. all, adventure stories are a dime a dozen a
... morend while some do it very well (Greg Rucka), Matt Hilton is not there yet...but could be. I liked the multiple narrators Hilton uses to spin his unlikely (and at time hard to digest) tale. Hilton's clear love for the story and appreciation for the predecessors he clearly borrows from is apparent but the story was disposable. There are a number of books in this series and I will try the next one because Hilton's potential is there. less
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A book you will not want to put down once started. Be prepared to go without food or breaks :)
I only read the first few pages, not my kind of book.
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