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Kitchen Dance (2008)

by Maurie J. Manning(Favorite Author)
4.04 of 5 Votes: 1
0618991107 (ISBN13: 9780618991105)
Clarion Books
review 1: This is a playful bedtime story that children will love. It is a story about a young girl who awakens during the night to unusual noises coming from the kitchen. She and her brother sneak down to investigate. As they peer into the kitchen they discover their parents dancing and are welcomed to join the fun. This book is filled with love and happiness. Both words and pictures paint a joyful family moment that will make you smile.
review 2: This book has great illustrations that capture the dynamic of this loving family as they clean the kitchen. My first thought would be to have this in my classroom for Ell (spanish speaking students) because of the spanish phrases used in the text. This book would also be classified as a circular text which means that the st
... moreory begins and ends in a similar manner. The book could also be used to teach students to write like poets as well. less
Reviews (see all)
I like the dynamics and warmth of this book. I wonder if there's an audio?
I was hoping for a better rhythm in this book.
Doesn't hold my 3-year old's attention.
Genre: M/Pi/ABGrade: K-4
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