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Laundry Day (2012)

by Maurie J. Manning(Favorite Author)
3.9 of 5 Votes: 4
0547241968 (ISBN13: 9780547241968)
Clarion Books
review 1: Laundry Day is a Graphic Novel about a lonely shoe-shine boy who finds a red scarf and makes many diverse friends while trying to find the owner of the scarf. When the grateful owner of the scarf sees how much time and trouble the boy has spent finding her, she snips the scarf in two. A bird brings him back half the scarf. Searching for the owner, the boy has made many friends and he isn’t lonely anymore.Text to Self- I was a lonely, shy child exacerbated by the fact that I was also an Army brat. We moved around and friendships were hard to establish.Text to Text- Solitude can be a revitalizing event. And the book that comes to mind is called Migrations to Solitude by Sue Halpern. Although solitude is sometime a necessary part of one’s life, this book describes how wo... morenderful solitude can be, but also, how we need companionship to survive.Text to World- I read an article about a study that proved socialization amongst the elderly can lower the levels of cognitive decline. In other words, it is necessary to have friends and challenge the brain by trying new things and going different places.
review 2: This is a cute story with great pictures. A little boy finds a red scarf and tries to find its owner. He meets many new and different people along the way. Each person he meets thinks of a way the scarf could be or would be useful to them. Each person he meets also introduces a new word to the boy that is a different language. He finally finds the owner of the scarf who then shares the scarf with him and his cat. This book would be a good in the classroom for introducing new words to the children. They could be the ones from the book and you could add more to use as a vocab list that week. You could even have the kids add a word that they know or have them look up a word that they would like to learn more about. less
Reviews (see all)
Shows a culturally diverse neighborhood. Some challenging vocab included.
a fun read - i think this is more likely to be enjoyed by older readers.
Beautiful illustrations to compliment a beautiful story.
Ethnic stereotypes
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