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Hoe Eet Je Een Cupcake (2012)

by Meg Donohue(Favorite Author)
3.5 of 5 Votes: 3
Boekerij, Amsterdam
review 1: Due donne molto diverse si ritrovano insieme dopo molti anni di lontananza, ognuna ha la propria storia e i propri demoni del passato da affrontare. La narrazione alterna i punti di vista delle due protagoniste , la prima parte del libro introduce nella vita quotidiana di Anne e Julia mostrandone le differenze, l'inizio è un pò lento e perde stereotipizzando alcuni aspetti dei personaggi, la trama diventa più coinvolgente nella seconda metà del libro in cui le vite delle due protagoniste si intrecciano sempre di più e cominciano a sciogliersi i primi nodi."Un soffio di vaniglia tra le dita" è un libro sulle seconde occasioni, sull'amicizia e sull'andare oltre le apparenze.Consiglio: accompagnare la lettura assaporando qualcosa di dolce
review 2: Don't rea
... mored this if you have cut out sugar! A cute little story about two friends, Julia and Annie. Annie grew up in Julia's upscale home in San Francisco since her Mother was the cook and nanny. They drifted apart for good reasons and ten years later they found themselves owning a cupcake and coffee shop with Julia supplying the money and Annie supplying the baking skills. Makes you want to go out and start one of these, although I could never be the baker! Come to think of it I couldn't supply the financing either! Just a nice light-hearted book to enjoy. less
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Don't read this if you have cut out sugar! A cute little story about two friends, Julia and Annie. Annie grew up in Julia's upscale home in San Francisco since her Mother was the cook and nanny. They drifted apart for good reasons and ten years later they found themselves owning a cupcake and coffee shop with Julia supplying the money and Annie supplying the baking skills. Makes you want to go out and start one of these, although I could never be the baker! Come to think of it I couldn't supply the financing either! Just a nice light-hearted book to enjoy.
A nice quick read of fluffy feel-good chick lit. It's pretty much a Hallmark made-for-TV drama. Predictable and cliche, but sometimes to you need that once in a while. It won't change your life, or give you a social sophistication bonus for having read it, but if you need a little light-hearted fluff while you're between final exams or "A Song of Ice and Fire" books, it's not a bad choice. And in case you're wondering,**SPOILER** apparently the best way to eat a cupcake is in unflattering gigantic mouthfuls; savoury nibbles just won't do.
The story was pretty good but the dialog annoyed me, trying to be too clever to be believable.
This book is a good light read, with vivid characters. It also had a great twist at the end.
A fun beach read - good for a change of pace between meatier tomes.
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