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Bridger (2011)

by Megan Curd(Favorite Author)
3.69 of 5 Votes: 4
Soul Fire Press
review 1: I admit that I only made it through about 10% of the book before I abandoned it. This author was trying to take you on a roller coaster ride but left the reader running along the track instead of in the seat. Page one and you see the father die. Ok, I can get that. And then in the next chapter we hear an odd conversation between Ashlyn and Memaw. I am confused by Ashlyn's sudden desire to take the trip to Ireland, that was supposed to be a trip for her and her dad, alone (or with her friend.) Next you see this amazingly bizarre allergic reaction and then a hospital visit. And then another set of odd conversations. Ashlyn wakes up and within a few sentences she is joking around with her friend like nothing happened while her mom stands outside so they can catch up. ... more Umm...daughter in hospital, I would not be waiting for anyone! I mean it seriously seems like the friend is more concerned than the mother. And then I see the first sentence in Chapter Four and see that this all took place within a week. When was the funeral? Where is the stunned, grieving family you would expect from a loving family when you lose a loved one suddenly? I am just blown away by how fast this book is paced. And by the time I read that Ashlyn rests her head on her Memaw's shoulder, after repetitive mentions that Memaw was more of a "no-touch" me person. The author even describes her giving Ashlyn the impression of being possessed by a demon. I read a little longer than this but after the crazy dream, I gave up.
review 2: This was a great beginning book in a series. The author did a brilliant job setting up the story that will carry on through the books that follow. The author took the time to fully develop each and every character while also creating the different places within the story with just the right amount of detail so that you could picture what the author was "seeing" but also leaving just enough that each reader would be able to add their own visions as well. In other words, it's very nicely done and made for a great read!This book starts out right away with the action going full force. The very first chapter is pure drama and it all just keeps going from that point on. There are a lot of unique characters within the pages of this book and a lot of different locations that are sure to please the reader of this type of book. I don't want to give too much away about the story because it has a lot of twists and turns that are best left for the reader to discover on their own.The end sets up the second book absolutely perfectly and leaves one heck of a cliffhanger that makes it hard to stop reading long enough to write a review before getting to reading it. This really was a great fun book to read and one that leaves you looking forward to the next in the series! less
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It was a good book, but there was an abundance of grammatical mistakes.
It was good but at 65% got boring, Reese was super annoying!
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