Charmed Thirds by Megan McCafferty Review

Are you guys tired of hearing about Jessica Darling yet? Because I’m not. And I don’t think I ever will be. She’s cool, you guys. Cooler than cool. She’s cool because she doesn’t try to be and doesn’t even want to be. She’s also a mess, and in this third book in the series, her life is messier than ever. And as it always is with Jessica, I. COULD. RELATE.

Before I get going too far here, let me link you to my reviews of the first two books in the series.

Sloppy Firsts Review

Second Helpings Review

If you haven’t read the first two books, you could pick up this one and start your inevitable forever friendship with Jessica during Charmed Thirds. I wouldn’t recommend it, though, because you’d be missing out on complete GREATNESS. But if that’s your thing, go for it.

In this third book, we meet an older but still learning how to be wiser, Jessica. She’s in college and everything is a mess. Her academics, her finances, her relationships, everything is just in shambles. Her quick wit and inner banter have not left her, though, and I hope they never do. She is just as hilarious and angsty and dramatic as she is in the first two, just a little more lost.

I found this book to be a bit choppy timing-wise. We were here one minute and then months ahead in the next. It took a bit of getting used to, but it tended to make things feel a little rushed. It definitely didn’t make me want to not read it, I was still completely enamored. Just a little odd compared to the first two, I guess. Regardless of the pacing in this book, you can bet your bottom dollar that I will continue on in this series and see Jessica through adulthood.

As you can see from my first picture, I tagged sooooooo many parts in this book. So much goodness within this paperback, yall. I can’t share most of them because they are major spoilers, but I was able to pick my favorite (yes, seriously) to share with you.

“Why is it that the most fundamental life lesson–LIVE!–is the one I continually forget to put into practice?”

Yes, why is that, Jessica? WHY!!

We so easily stay inside our safe box. Forever. Where people expect us to be, and where we aren’t really living. This box? It isn’t alive. It’s dead, bowed down to the thoughts and opinions of others.  It’s taken me years to realize this. Characters like Jessica have helped me get here, a starting point that I can grow from and give up that twisted way of living.

Darling Jessica, I thank you.

P.S. the postcards in this book melted me. I was butter with each page turn, hoping to figure the dang mystery out. Now that I know, I’m still butter. McCafferty, you do slow-burn romance so freaking well.











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