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Beauty And The Werewolf (2011)

by Mercedes Lackey(Favorite Author)
3.71 of 5 Votes: 1
0373803281 (ISBN13: 9780373803286)
Five Hundred Kingdoms
review 1: Isabella Beauchamps watches over her young stepsisters and runs the household for her stepmother, until one night visiting Granny in the forest she is attacked by a great wolf. Bella fights back and survives the attack with no more than a wolf-bite. The next morning, though Bella wakes to find the king's guard whisking her away to the Duke's palace. There she learns the mystery of Duke Sebastian and his seclusion. Sebastian is cursed to become a wolf the three nights of the full moon. However, no one knows why. Bella's imprisonment forces her into close contact with the werewolf-duke until it is discovered whether or not she too will become a werewolf. Her capture is simply frustrating while the Godmother Elena, Duke Sebastian, Granny and other local magicians sear... morech for a solution. To fill her time, Bella takes lessons in magic with Sebastian and discovers he is a scholarly young man, but good company. He teaches her of the Tradition and its role in their lives. But with knowledge of the Tradition comes knowledge of the paths it fights to force Bella down. Bella, along with the duke's illegitimate brother and Sebastian himself, searches for a way out of the castle and away from the fateful force of the Tradition. Beauty and the Werewolf is a refreshing take on the story of the Beauty and the Beast. Dropped into a world similar to eighteenth century France, Bella is not your average woman and her fate is not that of the average Beauty. The story is suitable for readers of all ages, though some material is more appropriate for teens and older readers.
review 2: After reading Blood Red, I thought this was also a story based on red riding hood. The cover made a bigger impression on me than the title, guess I do judge a book by it's cover more than I thought ^_^;A good page turner and one of the nice parts was she kept having me guessing who the bad guy was. It probably would have been obvious to some, but I just wasn't sure the entire time until it was revealed. I'd say the biggest flaw was the romance was a bit contrived. She started out great, but then did the equivalent of jumping the shark and lost the believability for me (trying not to include spoilers in here).Finally, I'll end this with a rating, since I always found it annoying how books that include romance don't warn you if they have explicit sexual scenes, which I don't usually want to read since they rarely add to the plot.Rating: PG-13For: Adult themes and a scene that starts to describe fooling around but then becomes vague, which I'm going to refer to as a limeade. less
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I can't say it lives up to the rest of her books, but I enjoyed it.
Fun re-interpretation of classic fairy tales.
Not her best.
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