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Shadow Grail #4: Victories (2014)

by Mercedes Lackey(Favorite Author)
3.58 of 5 Votes: 5
Tor Teen
Shadow Grail
review 1: Mercedes Lackey is one of my favourite authors. I have enjoyed rereading the three previous books in the series.I did correctly presume who was the reincarnated Guenivere, Spirit; however, I was only partially correct in identifying Arthur. I thought Burke was either he or Lancelot. I totally missed identifying Loch as Lancelot and Addie as Vivienne, The Lady of The Lake.The villains had identified themselves in Book 3, SACRIFICES. Once of the best things about the book is the role of Guenivere. She determines who is High King. From the previous Book, you knew she was a mage of considerable talent who was capable of leading. One of Ms. Lackey's gifts is her characterisation of women. They are strong, intelligent and capable. Definitely no wimps. This quartet feels... more like a tribute to Marion Zimmer Bradley's MIST OF AVALON (a fav book of mine). Spirit and Addie even mention it in passing.
review 2: The only one of this series not set in a boarding school because they left the school, running for their lives, at the end of the prior book.They meet with Quercus, find important British relics to help them, and discover who they really are (as reincarnates). Then, the battle ensues. This is definitely not a stand-alone book -- you'd be lost without the prior books in the series. It's also best if you know a good bit about King Arthur legends. It's set in the present and there are lots of contemporary references, so it might seem dated relatively quickly (already the chat room idea seems a bit "quaint"). less
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Eh, I was underwhelmed. This felt pretty disappointing as an ending for me.
Interesting conclusion to this four part Young Adult series.
Fabulous to end to the series!
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