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Amazing Greek Myths Of Wonder And Blunders (2010)

by Michael Townsend(Favorite Author)
3.92 of 5 Votes: 5
0803733089 (ISBN13: 9780803733084)
review 1: I was addicted to this book all the way through fourth grade. This is oddly hilarious in kid-like way, but has some interesting (is that how you say it?) qualities to it. It portrays the gods in an over dramatic way that makes it great for children around 8-11. I'm twelve and I've already read it about 14 times! Though it doesn't feel as funny now, I think it still is a very entertaining book when you're really bored. If you are a person who's pretty bored a lot, you should totally read this!!!!
review 2: 1. Graphic Novel2. Michael Townsend portrays nine Greek myths in this funny, comic-book-like graphic novel.3. A. AppropriatenessB. As someone who has never learned about nor read anything about Greek Mythology, I cannot speak on accuracy of this book; howeve
... morer, I can speak on what I found strong in this book. Humor is at the forefront of this novel. The language is up to date and uses sayings/slang that kids use when speaking today. This not only is humorous, but it speaks to the reader who may not necessarily understand regular Greek Mythology books/ stories.Violence is seen in some of the stories, but again humor overshadows most goriness that might be attached to the plot. However, a few may be critical of some pictures where violence is portrayed.C. Speaking with slang or just using sayings many teenagers use today are seen throughout the book. For example, in the introduction, Aphrodite has everyone check out her “new threads,” and in “Pyramus and Thisbe: An Icky Love Story” (the title alone is funny), one neighbor exclaims, “Oh no he didn’t!” when he finds a rabbit in his tuba (p. 116).Many violent scenes are handled well. For example, when Hercules kills his family, all one sees are black boxes that say “HORRIBLE…HORRIBLE THINGS” and “CENSORED” (p. 146). However, on the flipside, the story of Pyramus and Thisbe is pretty violent as the neighbors hate each other so much that the father of Pyramus gives me a “neighbor stabber” (sword) (p. 117). In the end both Pyramus and Thisbe commit suicide with the neighbor stabber and blood is shown on the mulberry tree as well as gushing away from their bodies down the grass (p. 124-126).4. This is a fun way to teach Greek mythology. Students can read the stories told in this graphic novel and compare and contrast it to the actual story. less
Reviews (see all)
A fun mythology book to add to my shelves. Have a feeling kids will devour this one!
Hilarious depiction of greek mythologies with lots of bunnies and funny creatures!
hurr hurr hurr funny. I loved the "Please Enjoy" at the beginning of each chapter.
very well done greek mythological stories in graphic format...
Funny, Cool Sad, everything a good book should include
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