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Passion Becomes You (1995)

by Michelle Reid(Favorite Author)
3.56 of 5 Votes: 4
0373117523 (ISBN13: 9780373117529)
Harlequin Books
review 1: Honest. From the start, Jemma and Leon's relationship is based on desires as honest as the adult conversations they have. There are no silly misunderstandings. He is up front and she's accepts the limitations of their affair. Having watched her employer treat his pregnant gf like dirt and her subsequent abortion with glee, Jemma harbors no illusions. No rose-colored glasses.When an unexpected pregnancy occurs, Jemma makes tough choices. After all, Leon had made it clear theirs was an affair with no future. In his view, being privy to Jemma's former boss's story, an unplanned pregnancy is a dishonest attempt at entrapment. She ends their relationship and they part, reluctantly, but amicably.Unfortunately, Jemma's pregnancy is problematic. Between fights with her roommate/fr... moreiend and bouts of illness, she stubbornly refuses to contact Leon. Six months into her pregnancy Leon returns from America and contacts Jemma, wanting to see her again.Here is where I stop. You have to read the rest for yourself!This a fabulous read for those Presents readers that love intense, passionate stories. These two are true to their characters. Stubborn people with entrenched beliefs, yet perfectly matched. Their HEA was honestly earned.Enjoy!
review 2: Absolutely terrific read,enjoyed it so so much,Leon-Jemma are such strong honest caring adorable wonderful characters.They meet get so attracted to each other Leon then n there asks her out cause he knows she is as attracted to him as she is,Jemma avoids it at first but Leon keeps giving her gifts which again she ignores but the say she goes on date with another man hell break loose Leon comes takes her and they both end up sleeping together and from there their no strings affair startsJemma thinks their relation is of only attraction from Leon's side but she is falling for him deeply as day goes by but its much more deeper then that,then Jemma gets pregnant knowing his views on children and marriage she breaks it off and after 3 months Leon comes back he comes to know of pregnancy and from there they embark on their marriage and journey to find their happiness and love and after many hurdles they do find their HEAI thoroughly enjoyed this book only one thing disappointed me Josh-Cassie they never got back together and Josh is one idiot jerk he had his happiness in front of his eyes but he blew it up.the secondary characters were also great and the plot of Leon and his father was also good to read Great read less
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