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Scaredy Squirrel At Night (2009)

by Mélanie Watt(Favorite Author)
4.18 of 5 Votes: 2
1554532889 (ISBN13: 9781554532889)
Kids Can Press
review 1: Scaredy Squirrel is a fun kids books book that also counts for a childrens picture book. This book is an easy read that is full of pictures. At the beginning of all Scaredy Squirrel book, there is a warning which alerts the students about what the book is going to be about. This book in particular focuses on ways to help Scaredy Squirrel face his bad dreams. He has to stay up all night because he is afraid of a whole bunch of different things at night. Scaredy Squirrel always comes up with a plan to deal with his dilemma and most times his plan does not work so he has to go to plan B. In the end Scaredy Squirrel comes to a resolution to his problem but still takes safety precautions. This Scaredy Squirrel book is very funny and I know my students would be laughing all thro... moreughout the read aloud. For this book, I could have my students writedown and draw two ways of how Scaredy Squirrel could overcome his problem before seeing what Scaredy Squirrel actually comes up with on his own. Some of the students in my class might also have issues sleeping at night and so this book might help them too.
review 2: Scaredy Squirrel returns and I may have read this before, but it's worth the reread. Scaredy is afraid of the dark, and all things that go bump, boo or kiss-noise in the night. Can he rise above and defeat his fear and have any fun? What do YOU think? This book is so sweet! And the drawings of different horror creatures are endearing. (The ghost reminds me of the ghostie in Pac-Man and is so cute!) SS remains a pemanent fixture in kids' lit...and in the hearts of fans who have felt fear and wish it to begone! Scaredy Squirrel will show the path to enlightment! less
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it was funny because scaredy squirrel was totally freaked out!
Formulaic humor aimed at parents, not children.
I just love Scaredy Squirrel.
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