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Choke Me, Spank Me, Pull My Hair (2013)

by Nicety(Favorite Author)
4.45 of 5 Votes: 4
Black Cherry Publishing, LLC
review 1: Just What the Doctor Ordered! Want it RAW, EDGY, KINK NASTY, FREAKY? Then you MOST DEF want it NICETY!"Choke Me, Spank Me, Pull My Hair" is an impactful, quickie that will have you mesmerized w/the erotic affairs of Starla and her boss Chino. Will Starla risk her marriage to be with her womanizing Boss or will she use the experiences from their sexcapades 2 her advantage? Twisted ending seals the deal!EyeCU Approved & recommended!Can't wait 2 read your others!
review 2: Author: NicetyPublished by: Black Cherry PublishingAge Recommended: Adult Reviewed By: Arlena DeanRating: 5Review:"Choke Me, Spank Me, Pull My Hair" by Nicety was some quick (36 pages)real sexy erotic novel that kept you reading to see how this author put this all together for her reader.
... moreNicety gives you a real story line with many "off the chart" sex scenes. What a imagination this author will give the reader and oh my....I loved the twisted ending. This was indeed a great short story that was very erotic and truly will leave you only saying my, my, my what a good read. less
Reviews (see all)
If you enjoy detailed, no holds barred eroctica with a nice twist, I recommend this book.
Interesting! The title was befitting! Awesome job, Nicety! Loved the surprise ending.
Wow! We really do need some spice in our marriage!
love it... the ending was a wow
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