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Juilliard Or Else (2000)

by Nichele Reese(Favorite Author)
3.64 of 5 Votes: 5
review 1: Following your dreams sometimes isn't as easy as it may seem. Abigail is determined to be a ballet dancer. Tucker is apprenticing to become a tattoo artist. They come from different worlds. Abigail is from a wealthy family and never had to go without. Tucker lived with his addict mother and had to raise himself. The two meet up as Abigail moves into her studio apartment near Juilliard. Tucker is instantly attracted to her. Abigail falls for him and soon they are a couple. Sadly their pasts try keeping them apart. Hearts are broken, secrets are revealed, and the unexpected occurs. I laughed and cried along with the characters. I loved the story until the end. I felt it was rushed and could have developed into a second book and been much better. That is the only thing keepin... moreg Juilliard or Else from being a 5 star! Otherwise a wonderful piece of work.
review 2: Was not able finish this book. This has not happened to me in a long time. I love reading and the written words and I never really write reviews because I think that every reader deserves to make up their own mind about the book. I am a hypocrite in a way because I do look at star ratings though. I saw a few ratings for this book and it received a lot of 4/5 stars so I bought it. I was really disappointed and well I guess it was just not my cup of tea. The writing was very inconsistent and there were a lot of grammatical errors. I know this was an independent publish, and I usually let a lot of those things go. I think my biggest discomfort was that there were confusing segments that just left me annoyed and ended up abandoning the book after three tries. less
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Haven't read this book, but one of my best friends is the cover of the book!(:
Like whoa. Amazing. Intense.
more of a 2.5 for me...
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