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GOTH A Novel Of Horror (2008)

by Otsuichi(Favorite Author)
4.42 of 5 Votes: 5
1427811377 (ISBN13: 9781427811370)
review 1: Stories that are twisted and depict the darker side of humans have always simultaneously disturbed and fascinated me. I find it interesting to read about how sociopaths, psychopaths, and the like think. So, when I began reading Goth, I was absolutely captivated.Otsuichi didn't flinch at all when he wrote this dark, twisted tale of mystery and murder. The killers he created are dangerous, unstable, and, at times, ruthless. Goth's atmosphere is dark and foreboding. The two leads are very interesting characters. And Otsuichi's mysteries are skillfully crafted with surprising twists. Really, Goth kicks a heck of a lot of butt.If you don't already know, Goth is somewhat of an anthology. There are different stories, each featuring a different mystery and killer, but still contai... morening the same two leads, Morino and the narrator, whose name is unknown until the last story in the book. As the stories go by, you will start feeling like you are grasping onto the two leads and how their relationship works.This way of telling a story might not work for everyone, but boy, did it work for me. Learning more about the two mysterious leads by finding bits and pieces to hold onto throughout each story was fun and the different mysteries that come with the different stories are hard to figure out and will sometimes even pack quite a punch. And when I think about it, Goth really couldn't be told in any other way...Morino and the narrator are two of the most intriguing characters I have ever encountered in fiction. These these two characters begin as enigmas and, for me, uncovering more about them was the best part of reading Goth. These two characters, both of them obsessed with death, are characters that, while I couldn't completely love them because of how cruel they could be, I genuinely loved learning about them.Otsuichi did a fantastic job at writing from the point of view of a sociopath. I could really fell how detached from the world and how isolated the narrator was. I could feel how merciless and unfeeling he was. There were also times when a story would be told through the eyes of the killer, which were also very well done.Goth is a story that I was completely taken in by. This book is mysterious, twisted, and unsettling. Otsuichi really did succeed at sending chills down my spine. Goth is a fantastic read. Highly recommended!
review 2: Can you both simultaneously love and hate something? Such is my reaction to Goth. The prose is great, the narrative interesting...but this book is creepy. Effing creepy. And, to be fair, I know it says "A Novel of Horror" right on the cover, but really, it's published by Tokyopop. How bad could it possibly be?Oh, silly, naive past me.The thing that makes this book so page-turningly horrific is not a focus on fantasy, like many genre-specific Japanese stories that American audiences are familiar with, but rather exploring the depths of human cruelty and psychosis and the awful, *awful* things people can do to one another. There are no cursed wells, no supernatural beings, just plain ole people being downright gruesome.This book is not for the faint of heart or the weak of stomach. I cannot stress this enough. That said, if you can get past a bit of torture porn, you'll discover that the real gem of this book is the author's ability to craft a shocking, engaging mystery full of twists and turns guaranteed to leave you guessing and keep your adrenaline pumping. The stories are interesting and well-crafted, centered around (but not exclusive to) two main characters who are neither likable or empathetic, but keep you engaged from start to finish.My only real complaint about this book, aside from the obvious gore (with still has me twitching in recollection), is the title itself. Having grown up with the "Goth" movement, having friends involved in the subculture, I was disappointed at how little the book actually had to do with Goths themselves. One character dresses primarily in black, and there's talk of death...and that's pretty much it. Love it or hate it, the Goth movement is so much more than that. The title is more of a selling point, a way for the author to reel in his audience with something flashy and familiar, a fact he readily admits and apologizes for in the author notes. If you're looking for a deeper exploration of the topic you're in for a rude (and rather grotesque) awakening. However, if you want to read a well-crafted collection of gut-churning horror stories, I'd recommend this book. less
Reviews (see all)
My most worn out book, because it's my favourite.
Definitely one of my all time favorites! :)
Apparently there's a movie along with this.
It was really good. Bur i wish i had more.
pretty good book,dark and creepy!
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