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Kaspar Traulhaine, Approximate (2009)

by Pablo D'Stair(Favorite Author)
3.5 of 5 Votes: 1
1438291841 (ISBN13: 9781438291840)
review 1: ** spoiler alert ** Very dark book of a man spiraling into insanity out of threat of revelation, by a stranger, of a crime he committed in his near past.Pablo's style is filled with descriptive narrative in minute detail of what the main character, Kaspar, may think, feel, act or become as he stumbles past reality into a madness he actually causes himself.This is my second book by Pablo and I have to say that I did find myself identifying more with Kaspar. I almost hoped he wouldn't fall into his...more Very dark book of a man spiraling into insanity out of threat of revelation, by a stranger, of a crime he committed in his near past.Pablo's style is filled with descriptive narrative in minute detail of what the main character, Kaspar, may think, feel, act or become as... more he stumbles past reality into a madness he actually causes himself.This is my second book by Pablo and I have to say that I did find myself identifying more with Kaspar. I almost hoped he wouldn't fall into his madness the way he does. Strange thought because Kaspar as a murderer, ought to pay for his crime. I found myself detesting the antagonist as much as Kaspar did!!Pablo certainly likes to shock with his words and in that I found it similar to his other book, "I Poisoned You." But in the previous book I found myself unable to feel anything for the main character of Aldous, and I feel much emotions whether good or bad, for Kaspar.
review 2: This book is short, only 151 pages, but not what I would call a "quick read". D'Stair's words are meant to be lingered over, savored like a rich dessert.Kaspar, the main character, has committed a murder. The story begins when Kaspar is approached by an unknown man who says that he plans to report Kaspar's crime in 3 days. As time passes, we follow Kaspar's descent into madness, as this stranger torments him without every really saying much of anything at all. As is D'Stair's style, there are questions behind certain behaviors that will never be answered. These are left alone for the reader to contemplate. D'Stair writes in the first person, giving his character a voice that sucks you right into the madness. less
Reviews (see all)
A chilling account of the aftermath of a crime by a superb young writer. I give it five stars.
Can't wait to read this book.... looks interesting!!!
I won this book and am looking forward to reading it!
Looks really good, can't wait to read it!!
Won from first reads!
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