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Four-Word Self-Help: Simple Wisdom For Complex Lives (2010)

by Patti Digh(Favorite Author)
4.14 of 5 Votes: 5
1599219808 (ISBN13: 9781599219806)
review 1: I bought this little book on sale from Amazon primarily to use with my health coaching practice. I often do workshops and classes that are 45-minutes to an hour or so and there isn't a lot of time for in-depth goal setting, SMART goals, etc. I like the way the author breaks it down into 4-word positive, action-oriented goals that are like little memorable mantras that stick in the mind. She gives examples for goals in different areas like health--"Eat Less, Move More or success--Do Work That Matters. I think it will be a fun way to set some nutrition and health goals with my clients that still have impact. This is a very quick and easy read and more common sense than new info but the book has stories and examples for the 12 different goal areas she has outlined and artwork... more from friends and readers throughout the book (that loses a bit of effect when reading on my Kindle Touch). This would be a good gift book for a friend facing or wanting to make some life changes.
review 2: The only book by this heart centered writer that my library carried. I will be buying a copy. Funny, but I've been carrying out my own 6-word project after seeing the Ted book topic .... Learning to distil my thoughts down to just six... Seeing that four words was all that were used felt like a revelation for even more simplicity... In summary, Simple yet deep rippling words, beautifully told and illustrated. less
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Delicious nuggets of advice. Inspiring stories. Reminds us to be fulfilled by our own lives.
I'd prefer this to be much bigger, but the authors advice is to keep it simple....okay.
Love the concept of 4 words. The artwork was wonderful, too.
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