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Red Sky In Morning (2013)

by Paul Lynch(Favorite Author)
3.67 of 5 Votes: 4
0316230251 (ISBN13: 9780316230254)
Little, Brown and Company
review 1: Everyone else has given this a higher rating so I suspect the problem is with me, but I had such a difficult time reading this. The author's prose was very convoluted and complex. Sometimes I read entire passages 3 or 4 times and I was still confused. The first 50 pages were almost unbearable. One would think that descriptions of the Irish countryside wouldn't be a puzzle to solve. But I kept reading to the end to find out the mystery. I always keep my eye out for new releases that are more gritty and raw but unfortunately this one did not work for me.
review 2: Nasty and brutish. Not the novel but the life of a poor 1830’s Irishman forced by circumstance to leave pregnant wife and child, suffer the Atlantic voyage pressed below decks with others in their own
... more straits, and hire out to a disease-ridden contract labor camp building railroad beds in Pennsylvania, all the while pursued by a vengeful enemy. Reminiscent (as noted in cover blurbs) of some Cormac McCarthy – less a developing plot than a story of a journey and pursuit surrounded and joined by menace and violence, told in flat yet often lyrical language very descriptive of surroundings and atmospherics. Liked it but a bit thin beneath the writing. less
Reviews (see all)
Great book, great writing. I will not be surprised if a movie is made from this story.
Slow paced and dark thriller novel, written using very poetical phrasing.
This one had me in spots thinking I was reading All the Pretty Horses.
Thoroughly enjoyable until the end...
Quality book here.
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