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The One You Love (2000)

by Paul Pilkington(Favorite Author)
3.34 of 5 Votes: 2
Emma Holden Suspense Mystery
review 1: I won this on a goodreads.com giveaway. And I don't want to sound ungrateful, but this book really did leave me feeling a bit meh. It's kind of like cardboard, and really like a first draft that needs a lot of work. There's a plot in there, but it feels like it really needs working out and trimming (eg. the whole I'm going to Canada for several months - two days later, no I've come back - things like that could be lost with no loss to the plot); the dialogue needs tightening up, the characters desperately need meating up and a lot of tension needs to be added. There was just no tension or atmosphere or sense of place or character in this book for me. And if this was a first novel by an indie writer you might say, ok, you've not had the back up of a publishing house behind ... moreyou, fair enough. But this is a book from a publishing company. It's disappointing because I feel like it's let itself down. And I have no desire to read the other two books in this series now.Set in London (but it could be anywhere), Emma is an actress about to get married. Then her fiancee disappears, suspected of beating his brother half to death. Everyone has secrets and double secrets and there are more red herrings than you can shake a stick at. Stalkers and obsession, love, hate, beatings, murders, lies, kidnaps.... what could it possibly be all about?
review 2: If this book were a series of questions in a multiple choice survey, my scores would all be in the middle column: "neither agree nor disagree."It is a thriller, consisting a sequence of promising events and circumstances which build towards their individual climaxes only to turn into damp squibs.Having said that, the story as a whole does eventually go somewhere and it reaches a satisfactory conclusion. There are enough open questions to allow a sequel, but I am not sure that I would bother with it, although it might make a reasonable holiday read. less
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This book had so many twists and turns it seemed to be contrived... too many red herrings for me.
Full of twists and turns. I loved it.
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