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The One You Fear (2000)

by Paul Pilkington(Favorite Author)
3.65 of 5 Votes: 5
Emma Holden Suspense Mystery
review 1: This is a sequel to THE ONE YOU LOVE and I found it better than the first book. It is a novella and for that reason took only a short time to read. I liked that the events picked up from the last book and take place four weeks later. It is a mystery instead of a thriller like the first one.Emma is on vacation and thinks she sees the stalker that she thought had been killed in the first book. Then she receives flowers from the "stalker". What if the body hadn't really been the stalker and he was still out there and wanting to hurt her?I liked it.Verified Amazon purchase.
review 2: I read the second installment of the Emma Holden mystery and hoped that it would be as brilliant as the first book. Unfortunately, I did not find it as spellbounding as the first book.
... more I do however have to say, that it was still an enjoyable read and did again, like with the first book, not fail with the intrigue. The author again made you think that one person is the culprit with his suggestive writing and then steered the plot in a different direction.I still find Paul Pilkington's writing brilliant, even though I found this book less impressive! less
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I liked the first one better but this was still intriguing. I have higher hopes for third book.
Second book in the trilogy was just as good. On to the third and final book.
The first one was good but this one was average - Disappointing!
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