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Psychopath Free: Recovering From Emotionally Abusive Relationships With Narcissists, Sociopaths, & Other Toxic People (2013)

by Peace(Favorite Author)
4.32 of 5 Votes: 5
0615788661 (ISBN13: 9780615788661)
review 1: Yeah, yeah, I know it’s corny that the author’s name is Peace but this is a great book, and if you have had one or more psychopaths in your life, this is another must read. One of my favorite red flags to watch for, is realizing how many “crazy” people have been in the lives of the psychopath in question! Note how Watch how they vilify a lot of people in their past and how they are always the victim whenever you try to get to know those people. Psychopaths need you alone away from others (and certainly away from prior victims) to do their work if you are their target. If they are not out to get you, they are out to use you to turn on someone else. They will mirror your insecurities to throw you, the empathetic target, off the scent (they know you don’t want them... more to appear too over-confident in the courtship phase). They are obsessed commenting about your appearance and can spot insecurities in anyone a mile away. Remember, when they project on you their flaws, they know they are lying, they are just noting your reaction. However, If you ever note any of their flaws, well then, you are just being bitter. ☺ The problem begins when you project your conscience onto a psychopath; then they have you. Once you assume they have a conscience, you’ve committed a deadly error. If you’ve ever been a victim of love-bombing and emotional rape, read up.
review 2: I have to say that this little book really does have it all!It simply tells you how it is with the psychopath. How they think and how they do not care nor worry about what you nor anyone else thinks. No empathy, no care other than for themselves. Moving on to one doormat to the next only to recycle you IF you allow them too! How to keep a, "no contact" agreement with yourself and from them. A must read for anyone living with/attached to/or recovering from a psychopath's path of destruction. After you read this book you will let go of your, "what ifs" and your, "If I'd onlys." less
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Outstanding book! A must read if you have been in a relationship with a psychopath or feel you are.
This book had a lot of good information. I will read it again.
Great book!
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