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Sweet Contradiction (2013)

by Peggy Martinez(Favorite Author)
4.02 of 5 Votes: 3
1490347402 (ISBN13: 9781490347400)
review 1: Sweet Contradiction by Peggy Martinez*was generously given a ecopy of the book in exchange for an honest reviewSWEET CONTRADICTION by Peggy Martinez is absolutely charming. I was worried in the beginning if I was going to be able to get thought it when the first chapter started with such a powerful image. I have to warn you that there are touches of abusive situations in the beginning but I hope that it does not deter you from this gem. Once I powered though the first chapter I was hooked. Elizabeth left home when she was eighteen and never looked back for four years until her best friend calls and needs her. This is where we meet Beth’s best friend Jen. These two are something else. The relationship between these two is powerful and they get each other. As a woman, y... moreou hope for a friend like Jen. I loved that Beth and Jen’s relationship was built upon the whole story and was not overlooked. I was really connected to both Beth and Jen because of their connection to each other. I think this is why I found Sweet Contradiction so enjoyable. There is an influential, sweet, romantic love story but Beth never loses sight of her friend needing her. Then, Matt comes on the scene and he is adorable and sweet and everything that Beth tries to avoid in a man. Matt is endearing. Lots of fun small, country town things happen. Some drama and some things in life that are unavoidable happen but I found myself rooting for all of them. Matt’s family was the opposite of Beth’s and there is a scene by the lake with just Beth that brings so much into focus. I loved it.Well written and totally enjoyable, Sweet Contradiction hit its’ mark with me. I cannot wait to get my hands on the rest of the series and I would strongly recommend it.SWEET CONTRADICTION receives 5 out of 5 Platypires.Texas Hugs and Happy Reading!!!
review 2: 3 stars.This book was too short and fast.Short review:The writing: Okay. (3,5 stars)The character: Sweet, good enough but not well portrayed because…the book was too short. (3,5 stars for main characters and 3 stars for support characters)The story: Sweet, cute. But again, too short, too fast, seems rushed. (3 stars)The plot: Well once again (lol) I have to say, the plot was too short, fast and rushed. (3 stars)Well, this book could have been better if it was longer and the ending wasn't so abrupt. less
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there's some many things I want to say. I've got to process my thoughts. review to come!
I enjoyed this author's writing style.
Is a great book to read
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