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The Wolf's Mate Book 4: Michael & Shyne (2012)

by R.E. Butler(Favorite Author)
4.17 of 5 Votes: 3
Smashwords Edition
The Wolf's Mate
review 1: I was excited to read Michael's story but I thought this story was another bust. Michael is second in command and is jealous of everyone around him finding mates. It is during a Fair that he sees Shyne. Immediately he knows she is his mate. However, Shyne is already friends with three were-hyenas who are also vying for her attention. Michael soon has to fight for what's his. We first read about Michael and his funny charm in the first book but we don't really get to see his funny personality at all in his own book. He didn't act like the goofball of the group like everyone said he was. It would have been nice to see his character act the same as it did in the first books. I also thought the idea of were-hyenas was overkill. I mean, first the author has were-wolves (the nor... morem), then were-lions, then were-bears, then finally were-hyenas? Is there anything that the author won't make a were? I don't know I just never heard of a were hyena before. With the were-hyenas there wasn't enough action with them. In the first two books, there was angst and action until the end. In this book, and the third book, all the action seemed to be in the middle of the story and then it just died out. I thought that compared to the first two villains, that these were-hyenas gave up fairly quick. I mean if they really wanted Shyne, why didn't they try to find another way to make her theirs so Michael could really take them out? I think that after the fight the whole story became slow and fizzled out. I felt like Michael's story was repetitive, I mean all the books of the series seem to be the same. First they find a mate, then they have characters that oppose them, then the main characters get rid of their competition, then the main characters have internal struggles with their mates, and then they live happily ever after. Just one word...REPETITIVE! I don't feel like anyone should read the books one after the other. Maybe that is why I felt that this series was so repetitive and getting to be boring. Highly disappointed in how this series is turning out.
review 2: Michael was beginning to wonder if he would ever find his truemate? Watching others in his pack find their truemates made every day just a little bit harder. Going to the fair he finds his true mate Shyne a fitness instructor for a Club owned by 3 were hyenas who want Shyne as their own mate. Shyne is totally enamored by Michael and wants to see were this will lead. The 3 were hyenas tho will do everything they can to get Shyne as their own. It is Were vrs Were in this love match who will get the girl???Guess you will have to read to find out how this drama show ends!I really enjoyed the hyenas and the wolves via for Shyne. Just enough drama and great characters to really make this a fun read.5 STARSPatches complimentary book given for a free review. juliesbookreview.blogspot.com less
Reviews (see all)
loved Michael's story. wanted more of hyenas. Can't wait for Bo's story.
love this series and i cant get enough!!!!
Another very good book in this series.
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