#1: In Stitches – Dr. Nick Edwards

In Stitches By Dr. Nick Edwards. This book shines a light onto the life of an A&E doctor.  First published in 2007, it has since sold 15,000 copies and is now up to date with more chapters than ever.

The book reads like a collection of short blog posts, but the format works by making the content feel personal and engaging. The short anecdotes makes the book a great book for me when commuting to my internship in London.

The perfect mix of alcohol related accidents to the unusual cases, and a few obligatory objects in places they shouldn’t be!


What i loved…

The book is truly honest, yet with enough humour that you find yourself laughing. It evenly splits discussions of actual cases and how the working life of this Dr Nick changes as time evolves. My favourite story was ‘an amusing patient’. A burly tattooed man having some issues with needles. Its a reminder that you can never judge people by their looks and that no ones invincible. Though a story the outweighs it in humour is ‘delivering oranges’, it had me laughing loudly on the underground!

Sometimes i just love being at work – especially so when you can have pleasant and amusing patients.


I rate my books in the best way i know how; the number of cups of tea its worth. A book i love to read sat on the sofa, the train or in bed with my favourite cup of tea; so i felt it was the perfect way to express my love for the books i read. Between 1-3 cups, 3 being the best.

This book was rated:

I rated it three cups for the honest and open way it discusses both the cases he treated and the way politics and paperwork now rule the work doctors now do in the NHS. Its a book that well deserved being on my list and will remain on my kindle for when i need a laugh or three on the train.

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