Hey guys! I’m sorry I have been a bit inactive this past week. Work has been keeping me super busy and worn out but I actually ended up doing something fun and book related yesterday so I decided I needed to share. I went to Thrillerfest Teen Panel at Books of Wonder. Honestly such a fun experience. Let me tell you more about it before I talk about my experience.

Event Information:
Books of Wonder is proud host the ThrillerFest Teen Panel. Meet ELLE COSIMANO The Suffering Tree, New York Times bestselling author or All the Missing Girls, MEGAN MIRANDA for The Safest Lies, ASHLEY ELSTON for This is Our Story and KARA THOMAS for Little Monsters.
Get ready for an evening of psychological drama that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Starting at 6pm join us in welcoming these FOUR talented authors of great new thrillers. The authors will read from their latest novels, answer questions from the audience, and sign copies of all of their novels. Ages 12 and up. Thursday, July 13th. 6-8pm.
So I have to say going into this I only read two of these authors. I read The Darkest Corners By Kara Thomas and I read All The Missing Girls by Megan Miranda. So I didn’t know too much about the other authors. I was interested in reading This is Our Story By Ashley Elston. I also was hoping they would be selling Little Monsters by Kara Thomas but no such luck. Thankfully I ended up reserving a signed copy for when it comes out.
So anyway I ended up getting to the event almost close to 7. I get out of work at 6pm so it sucks cause I get to miss the talking part of the panel. Thankfully when I got there the authors were taking questions so I got to listen to some of that for a little bit. I wish I could have heard the talking part but still q&as are also very fun. I did get to hear about all the upcoming projects they have coming up and I have to say I am super excited for each of them.
So surprisingly this was a pretty small event. Not a lot of people ended up showing up which is such a shame but I also liked that because it ended up being a smaller event and more intimate. When my friend and I were waiting to get our book signed by the authors whose books we bought we got a chance to talk to the other authors who didn’t have anyone talking them. We ended up going over to Elle Cosimano about her book cover. She was telling us about how the illustrator did such an amazing job with the cover and I agree. It is such a beautiful design. She mentioned how each little detail has to deal with the story. She kept telling us about all these different things and I was super into it that I decided to go and purchase the book. Mind you I ended up buying The Darkest Corners and This is Our Story. I decided that since I would probably buy it in the future I might as well just buy it now and have it signed. So I did that.
I also ended up talking with Ashley Elston whose book I was really excited to pick up. The more I would hear her talk about the book the more I was sold and extremely happy that I decided to pick up the book. It had everything I loved. It’s a thriller. It’s also told from different perspectives. One of those perspectives is told from the shooter who you won’t find out is until the end. She also said the shooting happens right at the beginning so it sounds like I will be hooked from the start. I honestly can’t wait to jump into this.
Lastly I went over to Kara Thomas. I was so excited to go tell her how much I loved her book The Darkest Corners and that right after I read it I found out she had a new book coming out soon I was ecstatic. My friend told her how I got her to buy her book so she was super happy about that. I honestly can’t wait for Little Monsters to come out in less than two weeks. I read a little bit of it and I really enjoyed it. I honestly can’t wait to get my hands on the full book.
Overall I thought this was such a fun experience. All the authors were so sweet and welcoming. Since it was such a small group of people you could take your time and talk to them without being rushed. You could tell they were super appreciative of everyone who came out and supported them. I am so glad I went. It ended up being a fun time and a fun experience. It did end up hurting my wallet a little but I’m so happy with my purchases. I can’t wait to dive into these books. I’m seriously ready to drop my current reads for these.
I hope you guys ended up enjoying my experience about The Thillerfest Teen Panel. It was such a fun time and hopefully found some new favorite authors. Have you guys read anything from these authors? I would love to hear your thoughts on any of these books.
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