“Black Dawn” Book Review

Title: Black Dawn
Author: Mallory McCartney
Published By: Clean Reads, February 2017
Reviewed By: Jessica B

Rating: 4/5 Stars

Black Dawn is the first novel in a fantasy series. The plot moves fairly quickly with a lot of information thrown at the reader, which makes the beginning a bit confusing. Each chapter switches perspectives, which keeps the plot interesting and moving. The dialogue is a little stiff at moments and some of the action could be described better. Overall, I like the plot of the book, but the writing style is a bit young for me. I think it works as a young adult novel, possibly late middle school/early high school level. One of the aspects of the story that wasn’t my favorite was the romantic plotline. I think it was slightly immature, but once again could work for a younger audience.

The general plotline of Black Dawn is why my rating is 4 out of 5. Fantasy plotlines are one of my favorites to explore. It’s not necessarily a book I would read for my own entertainment, but I think it has a lot of potential with a younger audience.

About the Book:

“The end of an Empire. The rise of a Queen.”

Emory Fae enjoys leading a quiet, normal life that is until two mysterious, and dare I say handsome soldiers show up at her apartment doorstep and the life she knew is instantly whisked away. Coming from the magical and ravaged world of Kiero, Emory is brought back not realizing that both men are darkly woven in her past. Discovering she is the long lost heir to the Royal Line Emory is thrown into Black Dawn Rebellion with a dynamic role to ignite the rebels and reclaim her throne. With both lives clashing Emory uncovers hidden secrets from her past, a power held long dormant, and will soon realize there are worse things than supernatural humans, love, loss, betrayal, and a Mad King.

Some things are better left in the shadows.

About the Author:

Mallory McCartney currently lives in London, Ontario with her husband and thier two dachshunds Link and Lola. Black Dawn is her debut novel, and first in the series. When she isn’t working on her next novel or reading she can be found dog grooming, hiking, shopping for more books to add to her perpetually overflowing bookshelf, and on the hunt for her next favorite coffee and dessert shop.

DISCLAIMER: I received a copy of this book for free in exchange for writing a review. I was not obligated to give a positive review, and all thoughts are my own.



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