“The Two of Us” by Victoria Bylin

The Two of Us” by Victoria Bylin
Star - Mi Baile PerfectoStar - Mi Baile Perfecto
Published: August 8th 2017 by Bethany House Publishers.
Pages: 352.
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Anybody can change his/her mind at the end.


I liked the first couple of chapters, where I got to know the main characters. Actually, I found them pretty interesting and I wanted to keep reading. However, something happened along the way.

The dialogues or maybe the development of certain situations seemed too shallow to me. I couldn’t connect with the story or feel for the characters as I had done at first.

The relationship between Mia and Jake didn’t fully reach my heart. It might sound weird, but I believe there wasn’t enough tension between them to keep me interested. I didn’t have the urgency to know what was going to happen next, because everything got kind of predictable.

Nevertheless, I could identify with some of their personal struggles. I guess I have a tendency to overthink stuff, so it was good for me to see all the damage it can cause.

Also, I liked the fact that this book somehow included the pain some families go through when dealing with Alzheimer, but I believe it wasn’t given the depth it deserved.

I’m really sorry I couldn’t love it more, but maybe I was just expecting something different.

**I received a copy of this book from Bethany House through NetGalley in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own**


+ “The thrill was in the chase, the gamble, the fun of beating the odds.”

+ “Sometimes love needed to be put into words. Other times words got in the way, and a touch or a hug, or just belonging, said more than enough.”

+ “That’s the problem when a man makes a stupid mistake. God forgives and we heal, but the consequences don’t disappear.”

Known for her realistic, likable characters and vivid writing, Victoria Bylin writes both western and contemporary inspirational romance. Together With You, a story about family and forgiveness, won the 2016 Inspirational Readers Choice Award for Best Contemporary, and her historicals have finaled in the Carol Awards, the Rita Awards, and RT Magazine’s Reviewers’ Choice Awards. She and her husband currently live in Lexington, Kentucky and have two grown sons. Her next book, The Two Of Us, hits the shelves in August 2017. 

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