” Already” But ” Not Yet “

There is an old proverb says ” A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step ” . Every day is a millennium and millennium tiny step to reach our destiny. What is destiny? A predetermined journey of our life which is written on God’s hands. Our falling and raising can not wipe it out. Our bad and good things cannot scratch it out. That is why saint Paul has written in his letter ” you are chosen people “. And saint Peter continued ” But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood , a holy nation. His own special people..”( 1 Pet.2:9).

David K.Naugle in his ” powered Love , Reordered Lives ” book explained beautifully about the Kingdom of God as both present and future. He said the kingdom of God in present is like university break – like God’s kingdom in Christ right now in the midst of the semester of history, and we have a lot to look forward to. It is not done yet – but already we are experiencing it. We are waiting patiently for Christ’s final victory. That is why as a young man trying to devote my self to God with all weaknesses because I am looking forward to a better place. We have to be thankful what God provides- is for our present and future. George E.Ladd illustrates those aspects of God’s kingdom:

” Our Central thesis is that the kingdom of God is the redemptive reign of God dynamically active to establish His rule among human beings, and that His kingdom which will appear as an apocalyptic act at the end of the age, has already come into human history in the person and mission of Jesus to overcome evil, to deliver people from its power, and to bring them into the blessings of God’s reign . The kingdom of God involves two great moments : fulfilment within history [ already ] , and consummation at the end of history [ not yet ].”

We are already there, but not yet.

 We are between these two awesome moments : Fulfilment and Consummation. We are striving , We are going , We are coming , We are passing without noticing , We do life , We’ll be upset , We’ll be happy … But the Kingdom of God remains our destiny whether we be on this flesh or we leave it.. One day we know that death will have no power as had not power on Christ’s mission on the earth [ Already]. Do not worry – God is with us until that ” not yet ” – Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you ( John 14 : 27 ). May this life and world and evil slap us with its power. May the theory of evaluation – the big bang try to convince us. They never answered the injustice of this world – they never answered the out of nothing debate. Life and its beauty never dies and love never fails with all bizarre things happing around me. Am I going to lose it ? Never. I would be strong in my faith because I know I am not there yet. I am proclaiming that I am His people and He is my light , my good father. K.Naugle continued we live at the ” hyphen” or “dash” between the ” already” but ” not yet”. We are renewed by the Holy Spirit. The battle have not finished yet..

We are in the water – still not drown yet. We are half way – still not whole way. We received the victory – but not the crown yet. We are in the world, but not of it.

We need his freshness complete us – His spirit to fill us and his blood to wash us over everyday. In that ” not yet ” – there is everlasting life , it is the crown of life waiting for us- that is why saint Paul says in his letter to Romans ” I Consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed [ not yet ] in us. Let His love surrounds us till that day. Let His goodness and kindness cover us. Let us pray with endurance and fruit of his presence fill us. Let us not quit. Let us run till the end.

Written By Dariush Youkhaneh


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