Format: Paperback
Source: Library
Read: December 2017
They say there’s no place like home. It’s where the heart is…
Meet the little boy who believes in miracles.
Meet the mother who loves to bring babies home from the newborn aisle of her supermarket.
Meet the husband who carves a longed-for baby out of ice as a gift for his wife.
Meet the widow who is reminded of romance whilst standing at the kitchen sink.
In this prize-winning short story collection, Carys Bray weaves together moments of joy, heartache, sadness and unwavering love as told through seventeen very different notions of home.
My ThoughtsOh man, this book! I go into most books blind, usually getting them for myself, or from the library, after I saw a review about them. This one I had seen on a vlog – I can’t remember which one now – but this was one of two favourite short story collections of this year and so I got it from the library. I didn’t read anything about what the stories were about, just dove in and man was I surprised!
These stories remind me of the book Stories for the Daytime and Some for the Night by Ben Loory in that they ranged from the ordinary to the creepy to the overly bizarre, and I loved them all the same. This collection was definitely rooted in emotion and the things we go through, from depression to sadness to grief. It really was an amazing collection of stories – even the ones that had my jaw dropping. The stories were just twisted enough that I was sure I’d have dreams about them. I definitely recommend this book!
I adored Carys Bray’s writing so much that I had to make sure my library had her book A Song for Issy Bradley available – I can’t wait to read more of her books!
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