Today is National Black Cat Appreciation Day. I wanted to get in some recommendations for your reading pleasure (I hope you can sit with a cat on your lap and enjoy them at your leisure.)
Max the Brave by Ed Vere is a simple yet fun book about a kitten named Max. He is brave and fearless and he loves to chase mice…except he doesn’t know what a mouse looks like.
There are two other books about Max out,
Another favorite of mine is David Wiesner’s Mr. Wuffles.
Mr. Wuffles has found a fun new toy! Too bad it’s the spaceship of some very tiny aliens. This is a wordless book, in the sense that we don’t read alien writing. I agree with my librarian-heroine, Judy Freedman, in that there seems to be some sense to the alien printing. Wiesner may well have created an alien language just for this book!
Now for a wishlist of books I’d love to get my paws on:
I do hope you enjoy black cats and forget about the superstitious traditions that haunt them. Did you know black cats are the least likely to be adopted and the most likely to be euthanized? Sad but true.
I’ve known a couple of great black cats in my life: Mya the three legged cat who lived at the vet clinic I worked at, Shadow and Spook were my sister’s cats, Spook is the brother to my cat Jack and of course, my favorite black cat:
Stitch, he’s well named.