“We did it…what now?” & My Top 3 Pregnancy Book Picks

After discovering we were pregnant my husband and I were faced with the overwhelming abundance of questions that follow:

“What now?” “Are you excited?” “Are you scared?” “Do you know what you are having?” “When do you want to have another?” “Daycare?” “Homecare?” “Is your nursery completed?” “Vaccines?” “Natural Birth?”

As first time parents, we honestly don’t know the answers to all of these questions right now, and while some of these questions are often anticipated they do cause a certain level of anxiety. Like most individuals we want to be good parents and to make the best decisions possible for our little one. Also, like most first timers we are positive we are destined to make our fair share of mistakes along the way, but we are also 100% positive that that is okay.

As with other areas of life I don’t believe there is one all-encompassing guidebook nor one destined path to take.  For some theirs paths may be well paved, straight and clear, but for others their paths may be humble dirt; trodden and well-loved in some places yet overgrown in others. Personally, I’m a fan of this second set of paths.

Beyond the encroaching branches and brambles an undiscovered beauty awaits.  While these paths will take more effort to navigate they are not unlike climbing the steep precipice of a mountain where the ending result will be breathtaking and well worth the journey.

Now why am I comparing pregnancy, child birth and raising to navigating overgrown paths and to climbing mountains? Despite their differences they share many commonalities. All take hard work, endurance, thoughtful consideration, and planning, but the end results are well worth it.

While I previously stated that I don’t subscribe to one all-encompassing guidebook there are a few books I’ve used during my pregnancy to help navigate the sometimes murky waters.

These are the top 3 pregnancy books* that I would suggest for those expecting:

1-Belly Laughs-Jenny McCarthy

Honestly, I loved reading this book.  Although prior to purchasing I read many mixed reviews I am glad I made this purchase. It made me laugh (A LOT) and was very akin to hearing real experiences from the mouth of a close girlfriend.

2-A Mindful Pregnancy-Andy Puddicombe

This was hands down one of the most helpful books to guide me through the various stages of pregnancy and it very well might be my favorite as it offers practices that will be essential in many stages of life, pregnancy aside.  I know I will often return to this book post pregnancy as a gentle reminder to breathe.

3-The Sh!t No one Tells You– Dawn Dais

This find was another great read offering you multiple perspectives from 1st time and well-seasoned moms.  Worth the investment as it provides an overview on how experiences will differ from child to child and family to family.  Humorous yet fact driven.

Did you read books throughout your pregnancy? If so, which ones were your personal favorites?

*Note: Each of these books I purchased myself and the opinions are my own. I was not offered any compensation for these reviews.

As always eat healthy stay fit,
